Rainy morning

Mom and Rufus are driving Anastasia to school on this rainy morning. Although this rain is not Anastasia’s magical sprinkles, it is nourishing Mother Earth quite well!

Christmas 2023

Pickles and Rufus had a fun Christmas. Rufus got a new tug-of-war toy, and Anastasia got a new jump rope, new tennis shoes, and a new Warmie that she sleeps with every night:)2024 is just around the corner!

Quiz results

Anastasia only missed one spelling word on her quiz today. Rufus helped her study yesterday by napping quietly by her side as Mom called out the spelling words. Good job, Pickles!

A few showers? No problem!

Pickles and Rufus had lots of fun playing outside this weekend. Today is a bit dreary, but a few showers never stopped these two best friends from enjoying the outdoors. Pickles always has an umbrella at hand!